Bahasa Inggrisnya Patungan

Jawaban Dari Soal Personal Pronoun

Nah teman-teman ngga ada kesulitan kan mengerjakannya? Sekarang teman-teman bisa cek apakah jawaban teman-teman di Soal Personal Pronoun yang kemarin itu benar semua atau tidak. Yuk mari kita sama-sama cek jawabannya di bawah ini.

Silakan teman-teman cek yaa..
  1. Peter and I are brothers. We share a bedroom together.
  2. Sue isn’t well. Dad is taking her to see a doctor.
  3. My brother is a teacher. He teaches English.
  4. All his students like him very much.
  5. Children, you are making too much noise!
  6. Who are those people? Where are they from?
  7. Mom is a doctor. She works in a hospital.
  8. The sky is getting dark. It is going to rain.
  9. John, we are all waiting for you. Are you coming with us?
  10. May I borrow your pen?
  11. Yes, of course. When can you return it to me?
  12. What are you reading, Jenny?

Nah semoga apa yang teman-teman jawab benar semuanya ya. Kalau begitu sampai ketemu lagi di sharing saya mengenai pembelajaran bahasa Inggris online ya, pastinya tetap di blog belajar bahasa Inggris Iman Prabawa. See you guys..
