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Soal Latihan Simple Present Tense

Soal berikut ini adalah soal-soal mengenai Simple Present Tense yang sudah kita bahas pada artikel Simple Present Tense Dengan Verba Selain To Be. Yuk langsung saja kita melihat soal-soalnya di bawah ini..

Soal-Soal Latihan Simple Present Tense

1.  Gunakanlah bentuk Simple Present Tense, untuk memberikan bentuk yang sesuai dari verba yang ada dalam kurung. Contoh:
I ______ to the radio. (to listen)
I listen to the radio.

He ______ to the radio. (to listen)
He listens to the radio.

Nah sekarang silakan mengerjakan soal-soal di bawah ini,
  1. She _____ the guitar. (to play).
  2. We _____ soccer. (to play).
  3. They _____ to talk. (to like).
  4. He _____ ice cream. (to like).
  5. You _____ your friends often. (to call).
  6. He _____ the office every day. (to call). 
  7. She _____ regularly. (to practice).
  8. They _____ once a week. (to practice).
  9. We _____ here. (to shop).
  10. It _____ delicious. (to taste).

2. Gunakanlah bentuk Simple Present Tense, untuk memberikan bentuk yang sesuai dari verba to have. Contoh:
I _____ a pen.
I have a pen.

He _____ two pencils.
He has two pencils.

Sekarang silakan teman-teman mengerjakan soal-soal di bawah ini,
  1. I _____ many books.
  2. You _____ an apartment.
  3. He _____ a bicycle.
  4. We _____ fun.
  5. They _____ two sleds.
  6. She _____ milk in her tea.
  7. I _____ a warm sweater.
  8. We _____ breakfast at eight o'clock.
  9. He _____ an alarm clock.
  10. They _____ a sense of humor.

3. Perhatikan verba mana yang pelafalannya berubah sebelum ditambahkan s untuk kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal, lengkapi dengan bentuk Simple Present dari verba yang ada dalam kurung. Contoh:
He always _____ promptly. (to reply).
He always replies promptly.

She _____ little. (to say).
She says little. 

They _____ bridge once a week. (to play).
They play bridge once a week.

Sekarang silakan teman-teman mengerjakan soal-soal di bawah ini,
  1. He _____ it. (to deny).
  2. They _____ to be on time. (to try).
  3. It _____ to be careful. (to pay).
  4. She _____ hard. (to study).
  5. You _____ good manners. (to display).
  6. He always _____ himself. (to enjoy).
  7. She _____ to Ireland once a year. (to fly).
  8. We _____ five people. (to employ).
  9. He _____ his friends. (to accompany).
  10. She _____ chocolate chip cookies every week. (to buy).

4. Perhatikan verba mana yang menambah s dan es untuk kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal, lengkapilah dengan bentuk Simple Present dari verba yang ada dalam kurung. Contoh:
He _____ everywhere on foot. (to go).
He goes everywhere on foot.

It _____ suprising. (to seem).
It seems suprising.

They _____ skiing. (to teach).
They teach skiing.

Nah sekarang silakan teman-teman mengerjakan soal-soal berikut ini,
  1. She _____ a great deal of work. (to do).
  2. He _____ television every evening. (to watch).
  3. She _____ a horse. (to own).
  4. We _____ the dishes every night. (to do).
  5. She _____ she had a pair of skates. (to wish).
  6. He _____ us to call him. (to want).
  7. She _____ she made a mistake. (to confess).
  8. He usually _____ the truth. (to tell).
  9. They _____ apples to make cider. (to press).
  10. It _____ out easily. (to wash).

5. Untuk setiap verba berikut, garis bawahilah huruf atau huruf-huruf yang mewakili suara akhiran es, lalu tandai jumlah suku kata verba tersebut. Contoh:
wishe ___
wishes 2

laces ___
laces 2

takes ___
takes 1

Nah sekarang silakan teman-teman mengerjakan soal-soal berikut ini,
  1. watches ___
  2. teases ___
  3. likes ___
  4. rushes ___
  5. faces ___
  6. dines ___
  7. misses ___
  8. tames ___
  9. scares ___
  10. passes ___
  11. pinches ___
  12. wades ___

6. Ubahlah pernyataan-pernyataan afirmatif berikut menjadi pertanyaan. Contoh:
She walks to work.
Does she walk to work?

They take the bus.
Do they take the bus?
Nah sekarang silakan teman-teman mengerjakan soal-soal berikut ini,
  1. I hurry home.
  2. He drives a truck.
  3. You follow the news.
  4. They want a pet.
  5. She likes flowers.
  6. We need tea.
  7. She answers the questions.
  8. He drinks coffee.
  9. I learn quickly.
  10. It rains heavily.

7. Ubahlah pernyataan-pernyataan afirmatif latihan nomor 6 menjadi pernyataan negatif. Contoh:
She walks to work.
She does not walk to work.

They take the bus.
They do not take the bus.

Nah silakan dikerjakan ya teman-teman..

8. Ubahlah pernyataan-pernyataan afirmatif latihan nomor 6 menjadi pernyataan negatif. Tuliskan sekaligus bentuk tanpa singkatan dan bentuk dengan singkatan. Contoh:
She walks to work.
Does she not walk to work?
Doesn't she walk to work?

They take the bus.
Do they not take the bus?
Don't they take the bus?

Nah silakan dikerjakan ya teman-teman..

9. Tambahkan question tag negatif pada pernyataan-pernyataan afirmatif latihan nomor 6. Gunakanlah singkatan untuk question tag. Contoh:
She walks to work.
She walks to work, doesn't she?

They take the bus.
They take the bus, don't they?

Nah silakan dikerjakan ya teman-teman..

Untuk melihat jawabannya, silakan teman-teman bisa mengkliknya DI SINI. Kalau begitu sampai ketemu lagi dan wassalam.

Materi ini diambil dari buku Complete Basic English Grammar For Beginner.  
