Arti Get It Together

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Apa Bahasa Inggrisnya:

  1. Ada Apa Dengan Kamu?
  2. Aku Merinding
  3. Apa Lo Liat-liat?
  4. Apakah Kamu Lapar?
  5. Apakah Kamu Merokok?
  6. Apakah Kamu Sudah Bangun?
  7. Apakah Kamu Sudah Punya Pacar?
  8. Apakah Kamu Sudah Makan?
  9. Apa Kamu Sakit?
  10. Apa Pekerjaanmu?
  11. Baikan
  12. Baru Bangun Tidur
  13. Batal Puasa
  14. Baterai Habis
  15. Begadang
  16. Belajar
  17. Belek
  18. Bolehkah Saya Masuk?
  19. Bolehkah Saya Pinjam Uang?
  20. Bolos Sekolah
  21. Buka Puasa Bersama
  22. Bukber
  23. Buruan
  24. Congek
  25. Demam Panggung
  26. Dia Cuekin Aku
  27. Geseran
  28. Hitam
  29. Ijin Ke Toilet
  30. Iler
  31. Imsak
  32. Indomaret
  33. Jalan di Tempat
  34. Jangan Manja
  35. Jawaban How Are You Today
  36. Jawaban Thank You
  37. Juga Selain Too
  38. Kamu Dimana Sayang?
  39. Kamu Habis Dari Mana?
  40. Kamu Kenapa?
  41. Kamu Lagi Apa?
  42. Kamu Sakit Apa?
  43. Kamu Sama Siapa?
  44. Kata Siapa
  45. Kenapa Kamu Belum Makan?
  46. Keringat Dingin
  47. Kesandung
  48. Ketiduran
  49. Kopiah
  50. Lagi Ngapain?
  51. Lebay
  52. Lemah
  53. Macet Total
  54. Mahasiswa
  55. Makanan Khas
  56. Maghrib
  57. Masuk Islam
  58. Masuk Telinga Kiri Keluar Telinga Kanan
  59. Mati Lampu
  60. Mau Nitip Ngga?
  61. Memanjakan
  62. Memperkenalkan Seseorang Dalam Bahasa Inggris
  63. Menguping
  64. Merasa Lebih Baik
  65. Mobil Mogok
  66. Muka Jutek
  67. Mukena
  68. Nebeng
  69. Ngabuburit
  70. Ngatain
  71. Ngiler
  72. Ngupil
  73. Norak
  74. Partai
  75. Pasar Swalayan
  76. Patungan
  77. Peci
  78. Percaya
  79. Salam Untuk Ibumu
  80. Sahur
  81. Sajadah
  82. Sarung
  83. Saya Baru Selesai Makan
  84. Saya Baru Tahu
  85. Saya Berbicara Dengan Siapa
  86. Saya Kangen Kamu Yang Dulu
  87. Saya Mau Kencing
  88. Saya Menggigil
  89. Saya Merasa Senang
  90. Saya Sedikit Pusing
  91. Saya Sudah Makan
  92. Saya Takut Anjing
  93. Saya Traktir
  94. Sementara Off
  95. Sementara Sendiri
  96. Senang Selain Happy
  97. Siapa Namamu?
  98. Silakan Duduk
  99. Songkok
  100. Supermarket
  101. Telpon Rumah
  102. Telur Ceplok
  103. Telur Mata Sapi
  104. Tempat Penuh
  105. Tepi Pantai
  106. Teka-teki Silang
  107. Terima Kasih Sebelumnya
  108. Tidak Enak Badan
  109. Titip Salam
  110. Tuhan Kuatkan Aku
  111. Uang Kertas
  112. Ulang Tahun Yang Keberapa?
  113. Upil

Idiom dan Phrasal Verbs:

  1. Abide By
  2. Absent Without Leave
  3. Above All
  4. Above and Beyond
  5. Above Suspicion
  6. Above the Law
  7. About to
  8. Absence Makes the Heart Go Ponder
  9. Accident Waiting to Happen
  10. According to All Accounts
  11. According to Hoyle
  12. Account For
  13. Accustomed To
  14. Ace In the Hole
  15. Ace It
  16. Ace Out
  17. Ace Up One's Sleeve
  18. Achilles' Heel
  19. Acid Test
  20. Acquired Taste
  21. Across the Board
  22. Actions Speak Louder Than Words
  23. Active Duty
  24. Act of Faith
  25. Act of God
  26. Act-On
  27. Act One's Age
  28. Act Out
  29. A Kick In the Face
  30. Are You Kidding Me?
  31. Are You Nuts?
  32. At Each Other's Throats
  33. At Large
  34. At the Very Least
  35. A Walk In the Park
  36. AWOL
  37. Back For Good
  38. Back to Square One
  39. Bad News
  40. Beat Around the Bush
  41. Before Long
  42. Big Shot
  43. Break a Leg
  44. Call It a Day
  45. Call It Even
  46. Call Up
  47. Can't Help It
  48. Can't Wait
  49. Card Up One's Sleeve
  50. Catch a Break
  51. Chasing Flying Pigs
  52. Clear As a Bell
  53. Clear As a Fingerprint
  54. Clear As Mud
  55. Come On
  56. Come Up
  57. Cover Up
  58. Cut the Cord
  59. Cut the Crap
  60. Cut to the Chase
  61. Damn It
  62. Do Me a Favor
  63. Don't Lose Your Head
  64. Don't Put Words In My Mouth
  65. Down to the Wire
  66. Drop By
  67. Every Now and Then
  68. Excuse Me
  69. Fall On Deaf Ears
  70. Far Cry
  71. Fawn Over
  72. Fired Up
  73. Fist Out
  74. For Good
  75. For God's Sake
  76. For Heaven's Sake
  77. For Kicks
  78. Get Cold Feet
  79. Get Him
  80. Get It Together
  81. Get Out
  82. Give Me a Shout
  83. Go Away
  84. Good Call
  85. Good Luck
  86. Good to Go
  87. Got Away
  88. Got Into a Pickle
  89. Got Lucky
  90. Hang Out
  91. Harp On
  92. Have a Ball
  93. Have a Blast
  94. Have a Crush On
  95. Have a Good Night
  96. Have the Time of Your Life
  97. Have You Heard
  98. Have You Met
  99. Heads-up
  100. Help Yourself
  101. Here You Are
  102. Hit On Me
  103. Hit the Book
  104. Hold Your Fire
  105. Hung Me Out to Dry
  106. I Bet
  107. I Got This
  108. I Hate to Break It to You
  109. I Knew It
  110. I'm All Ears
  111. I'm All Set
  112. I'm Beat
  113. I'm Good
  114. In a Blink of an Eye
  115. In the Way
  116. In Your Face
  117. I Stand Corrected
  118. Just a Minute
  119. Just a Sec
  120. Just For Kicks
  121. Just In Case
  122. Just Like That
  123. Keep an Eye On
  124. Keep Your Eyes Peeled
  125. Last Resort
  126. Lie Low
  127. Listen Up
  128. Long Face
  129. Loud and Clear
  130. Make Ends Meet
  131. Make Fun Of
  132. Make Up Your Mind
  133. Making Quite a Splash
  134. My Two Cents
  135. No Strings Attached
  136. Not Your Day
  137. No Way
  138. On My Way
  139. On the Same Page
  140. Out of My Depth
  141. Out of My League
  142. Out of the Way
  143. Out of Thin Air
  144. Piece of Cake
  145. Pulling My Leg
  146. Pull Some Strings
  147. Put In a Nutshell
  148. Roll Off My Back
  149. Roll Up Your Sleeves
  150. Safe and Sound
  151. Seems Like Yesterday
  152. Set Off
  153. Shake It Off
  154. Shut Me Down
  155. Sneak In
  156. Snitch On
  157. Spring It On
  158. Stay Out
  159. Step In
  160. Step It Up a Notch
  161. Stick Together
  162. Suit Up
  163. Swing By
  164. Take a Whiz
  165. Take Five
  166. Take It Away
  167. Take It Easy
  168. Take It Down a Notch
  169. Take With a Grain of Salt
  170. Talk (Somebody) Into (Something)
  171. Tell Off
  172. Think Outside the Box
  173. Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater
  174. Tone It Down
  175. Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth
  176. Two Cents
  177. Under My Skin
  178. Wait a Minute
  179. Weeks On End
  180. Worth It
  181. You Don't Say

Arti Kata, Frasa Kata atau Kalimat:

  1. 5150
  2. Adorable
  3. Add to Cart
  4. Ain't
  5. American Dream
  6. Annoying
  7. Anyway
  8. Are You Kidding
  9. Are You Okay?
  10. Are You Ready to Order?
  11. Are You Sure?
  12. A While
  13. Badass
  14. Pengertian Badass
  15. Bad Luck
  16. Bastard
  17. Be Careful
  18. Be Strong
  19. Best Friend
  20. Be Yourself
  21. Be Yourself No Matter What They Say
  22. Beda Good Night Dengan Good Evening
  23. Beda Good Night Dengan Good Nite
  24. Big Business
  25. Black Ops
  26. Bloodbath
  27. Bummer
  28. Buzz Him In
  29. Careful
  30. Chat Up
  31. Check It Out
  32. Check This Out
  33. Chick
  34. Chill Out
  35. Come Clean
  36. Come On Sweetheart
  37. Cool
  38. Cutting Off the Fat
  39. Damn It
  40. Dairy Section
  41. Dawg
  42. Deli Section
  43. Deuces
  44. Do I Know You?
  45. Don't Cross Me
  46. Don't Fret
  47. Don't Fuck With Me
  48. Don't Walk Away From Me
  49. Don't Worry
  50. Dope
  51. Dork
  52. Drooling
  53. Duh
  54. Dumb-ass
  55. Eavesdropping
  56. Empty-handed
  57. Facetious
  58. Fart
  59. Fella
  60. Field Trip
  61. Flick
  62. Follow Me
  63. Forget About It
  64. For God's Sake
  65. For Pete's Sake
  66. For Years
  67. Frankly
  68. Freaking Out
  69. Give a Hand
  70. Give Me a Sign
  71. Get Down
  72. Get Married
  73. Get Out of My Sight
  74. Getting Married
  75. Get Something Off the Ground
  76. Go Ahead
  77. Going to Hell
  78. Gonna
  79. Go-Tos
  80. Gotta
  81. Good Day
  82. Good Evening
  83. Good Morning
  84. Good to Meet You
  85. Good Question
  86. Gosh
  87. Gross
  88. Have a Nice Dream
  89. Have You Seen This?
  90. Help Each Other
  91. Hitting On Her
  92. Homes
  93. Homie
  94. Honey
  95. Hoop
  96. Hotshot
  97. How Are You Doing?
  98. How Are You Going?
  99. How Can I Help You?
  100. How Do You Do?
  101. How Do You Know?
  102. How Have You Been?
  103. How Is It Going?
  104. How Lame
  105. How Long
  106. How Old Are You?
  107. I Beg of You
  108. I Bet
  109. I Can't Help Myself
  110. I Can't Tell You
  111. I Don't Get It
  112. I Don't Know
  113. I Don't Know What You Mean
  114. I Don't Understand
  115. I Don't Understand What You Mean
  116. I Get It
  117. I Got It
  118. I Guess
  119. I Have a Crush On You
  120. I've Done Nothing
  121. I Knew It
  122. I Know How You Feel
  123. I'm Afraid
  124. I'm Exhausted
  125. I'm Here
  126. I'm Kidding
  127. I'm Leaving For Home
  128. I'm Not Interested
  129. I'm Okay
  130. I'm Toast
  131. In a Jiffy
  132. Insane
  133. In Your Sleep
  134. I Promise You
  135. I Stand Corrected
  136. Is That So?
  137. Is This a Thing?
  138. Itchy
  139. It's Been a Long Time
  140. Just Go
  141. Just Kidding
  142. Just So You Know
  143. Just Tell Me
  144. Keep an Open Mind
  145. Keep Me Posted
  146. Kiddo
  147. Ladies and Gentlemen
  148. Lame
  149. Law and Order
  150. Leeway
  151. Leftovers
  152. Let Me Take a Selfie
  153. Let's Do This
  154. Let's Go
  155. Looker
  156. Long Time No See
  157. Look Like
  158. Look Up
  159. Look What I Got
  160. Lowlife
  161. Mate
  162. May I Have Your Attention Please
  163. Melodramatic
  164. Meet Me
  165. Miss the Memo
  166. Mugger
  167. My Bad
  168. Naysayer
  169. Nutty
  170. Nice Guy
  171. Nice to Meet You
  172. Nice Try
  173. Off Book
  174. Off to a Great Start
  175. Off We Go
  176. Oh My God
  177. Oh, My Gosh
  178. Old Friends
  179. On We Go
  180. On Your End
  181. Out of Control
  182. Overthinking
  183. Pep Talk
  184. Pill Popper
  185. Produce Section
  186. Pull Over
  187. Pump the Brakes
  188. Punch Out
  189. Quick
  190. Railroaded
  191. Red-Handed
  192. Rocky Start
  193. Rolling Eyes
  194. Rude
  195. Same With Me
  196. Scalp
  197. Scaredy Cat
  198. Screwed
  199. Shell Of a Man
  200. Shiny
  201. Shoot
  202. Shopping Cart
  203. Silver Lining
  204. Small Talk
  205. Something is Missing
  206. So Stoked
  207. Speaking of Which
  208. Stay Calm
  209. Stay Frosty
  210. Sunshine
  211. Sweet Dreams
  212. Sweetheart
  213. Sweetie
  214. Shut Up
  215. Street Smart dan Book Smart
  216. Talk to Me
  217. Teeter-Totter
  218. Ten Hut
  219. Thanks God Atau Thank God?
  220. Thank God
  221. Thank Goodness
  222. That's Okay
  223. The Crap Out of
  224. The Hell
  225. The Night is Young
  226. There You Go
  227. This is Fun
  228. Thug
  229. To Pop
  230. Tone Deaf
  231. Tons of
  232. Trap
  233. Trash Talk
  234. Trash Talking
  235. Turf
  236. Two Cents
  237. Unarmed
  238. Very
  239. Waiting List
  240. Weirdo
  241. Well Done
  242. We're Not Done With You
  243. What Are You Doing?
  244. What Are You Talking About?
  245. What Are You Up To?
  246. What Did You Say?
  247. What Do We Do?
  248. What Do You Mean?
  249. Whatever
  250. What's Good
  251. What's That Supposed to Mean
  252. What the Hell
  253. Pengertian What the Hell
  254. What the Hell Am I Doing?
  255. What the Hell Is Going On?
  256. What's On Your Mind?
  257. What's That?
  258. What's the Deal
  259. What's Wrong
  260. What's Wrong With You
  261. What's Your 20?
  262. What's Your Name
  263. Where Are You Going?
  264. Where Are You Now?
  265. Where Have You Been?
  266. Where Were You?
  267. Where You At?
  268. Who Are You?
  269. Wicked
  270. Will You Marry Me?
  271. Without Further Ado
  272. Working On It
  273. Wrap Party
  274. You Are Doing Good
  275. You Are Kidding
  276. You Are Unbelievable
  277. You Don't Love Me
  278. You Don't Understand
  279. You Got Lucky
  280. You Know What
  281. You Made It
  282. You Were There


    1. Sukses terus, sir. Amat sangat bermanfaat 😊 Terima kasih sudah berbagi ilmu. Semoga berkah🙏


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